CK Gems


The clarity of a diamond determines how captivating its gleam is. All diamonds have identifying characteristics, but most are invisible to the naked eye. Under the scrutiny of a jeweler's 10X magnifying loupe the appearance of tiny crystals, feathers or clouds can be identified. These natural phenomena are called inclusions. Large inclusions may interfere with the path of light cascading through a diamond, thus effecting its vibrancy. There are five categories in class that anyone interested in purchasing a diamond should be aware of when grading clarity.

FL - IF VVS1 - VVS2 VS1 - VS2
SI1 - SI2 I1 - I2 - I3

Clarity Catagories

FL - IF Diamonds that reveal no flaws on the surface or internally. These are the rarest and most beautiful gems treasured for their absolute purity.
VVS1 - VVS2 Diamonds with minute inclusions absolutely invisible to the naked eye. Only through careful inspection with a microscope can these tiny inclusions be accurately pinpointed. The brilliance of the stone does not suffer in this category.
VS1 - VS2 Diamonds with tiny inclusions difficult to locate. Only a trained eye looking through a 10X loupe can pinpoint the inclusions in this category. The inclusions are nearly impossible to see with the naked eye.
SI1 - SI3 Diamonds with inclusions easily identified through a loupe. Finding flaws in this category with the naked eye is difficult. The gems in this category maintain their integrity, depending on the location of the inclusions.
I1 - I3 Diamonds with inclusions which may or may not be easily seen by the naked eye. The flaws on the stones in this category will have some effect on the brilliance of your diamond.

Continue to learn about the Cut of Diamonds or if you're ready, take the GIA Diamond Buyer Primer Course.